White Teeth How to: 5 Easy Steps to A Whiter Smile

Girl standing with big white smile near greenery and shrubs.
Poof! Be Gone, Your Breath is Too Strong! Wait…Come Back, I Found A Tic Tac. Heck With That, Just Take the Whole Pack!

Today’s blog post will explain how to easily, quickly, and effectively get white teeth at home!

Step 1: Oral Hygiene

For White Teeth, Brush Regularly

Most importantly, brush your teeth twice a day. My favorite tooth brush of all time is the electric Oral B Spin Brush, which I’ve used for 2 years. The power and strength of this small but mighty electric brush is unmatched.  It gets rid of cavity causing plaque and bacteria, and removes stains more effectively! I used to use a manual tooth brush, not thinking it’d make much of a difference. However, think about it this way: washing a car by hand vs. using a car wash with high powered machines. There is no comparison to how much cleaner my teeth feel! I know I get a thorough clean, especially because it has a built in 2 minute timer. 

Feelin’ Flossy! For White Teeth, Floss!

Next, floss daily to prevent unsightly plaque build up and use it reach areas your toothbrush missed. It also prevents food particles from rotting between your teeth, which causes cavities.

For White Teeth, Swish ‘Til Your Teeth Shine Like the Top of the Chrysler Building!

Also, I use mouthwash several times a day especially after meals to prevent sugar from causing tooth decay. My favorite mouthwash is a Crest multi-purpose wash that whitens my teeth and prevents cavities at the same time! Talk about multi-tasking! I use this because it contains fluoride, which protects the enamel on my pearly whites.

Step 2: White Strips

And now for the saucy hacks! 

When prepping for a pageant, I always use these Crest Professional Effects White Strips to make sure my teeth are shinin’ shinin’ on stage. These are the highest form of professional whitening strips you can use at home. If your teeth are too sensitive, use it once every two or three days until the package is finished! These are truly a game changer if you want white teeth. Use the whitestrips in conjunction with the tips I give you in the remainder of this post, and your teeth will remain white for years!

Step 3: Oil Pulling

Next, try an oil pull! Oil pulling involves swishing either coconut, sesame, or olive oil around in the mouth in a similar way to mouthwash. It acts to whiten teeth, remove stains, and pull tartar off teeth. It is also known to prevent cavities, eliminate acne, and prevent headaches.

To do an oil pull, use a tablespoon of oil and swish around your mouth and between your teeth for 15-20 minutes. Once you’re finished, spit the oil in the garbage. If you allow it to go down the sink, it may clog your pipes. I’ve used this method in the past, and I can say it works!

Step 4: Red lipstick

In addition, the pigment of a bold red lip with a dynamite lip liner will make any tooth shade pop! My favorite go to is Mac’s Ruby Woo.

Step 5: Say No to Espresso!

Finally, stay away from too much coffee and black teas. They stain your teeth making them look yellow! Say yes to lighter teas such as green tea or herbal tea!

Here is the youtube link to my video on How to Whiten Teeth at Home:

Click to watch How I Whiten My Teeth at Home

A big white smile is a great indicator of confidence! Want to find out how to be confident in 5 steps? Check out my post on confidence here: https://lifestyledchrissy.com/2019/06/09/how-to-be-confident-5-steps/



  1. Darryl Swenson
    August 26, 2019 / 3:54 pm

    Awesome post Chrissy! I am always looking to get the best teeth whitening possible, this post will be a huge help. I appreciate the ideas!

    • admin
      August 26, 2019 / 9:10 pm

      Thanks so much, Darryl! I’m happy the post and tips were useful.